Thank you for partnering with us in giving! Asking for money is very uncomfortable. We greatly appreciate your consideration to support us with a one time gift or monthly giving. We look forward to sharing with you how God is using your generosity to further His kingdom.
Camp Materials
Many (churches and individuals) have been so kind to help us raise the funds for our monthly support and special needs (transition fund, hymnal fund). I can’t adequately express how humbled and grateful we are for your generosity.
Text to Give Option
Recently, our accounting software has given us 2 months free to use the “text to give” option for fundraising. This may be of interest to some of you as an easier way to give. I’d like to try this as we seek to raise funds for Camp Materials for running camp in Hong Kong. This would include things like cones, playground balls, basketballs, soccer balls, God and I booklets, lanyards, and name-tags, colored bracelets (to identify teams), 3-4 Big Balls, field marking materials, shirts for our camp team, whistles, portable air compressor, etc. If you will text the word “give” to 1-833-658-0920, you can easily send a donation to Hope Ministries International for the camp materials to run camp in HK. We know many of you (due to the virus or other situations) are not in any kind of position to give. Please don’t view this, at all, as pressure to give. We need your prayers more than ever, and God has always taken care of our needs in His way and in His time.
Transition Fund Update
Throughout this whole deputation process, it has been a joy to watch God continue to supply our needs at every turn. Due to the kindness of so many churches and individuals, we have raised our goal of $25,000 to relocate to Hong Kong. Thank you so much for so many of you who gave towards this need! This fund is for plane tickets, getting our belongings to Hong Kong, furnishing our house in Hong Kong, paying our first month’s rent and a couple of other small items. It continues to be extremely humbling to see God use gifts of every size. Raising money is no question the most uncomfortable part of this whole process. Thank you for praying with us for God to continue to supply in His timing.
Music Ministry Fundraiser
I’d like to make you aware of a small project for which are fundraising. Our church in Hong Kong (Island Baptist Church) is in need of new resources for the music ministry. Initially, we would like to try to get new hymnals and songbooks for the most important part of the music ministry in the church – congregational singing. We are looking to purchase 100 Majesty Hymnals and 100 of the 9thedition Wilds songbook. The total cost will be $2200.
I love this project for many reasons:
1) A donation of as little as $9 can purchase one songbook for the church.
2) Through the kindness of one of our supporting churches, we have already raised $700 for this project.
3) Any monies that come in, above the $2200 needed, will be used to purchase choir music for the choir we are starting at the church.
Donations can be made for this project using the donation form or by check. See instructions in the sidebar or below under the Giving tab.
Transition Funds Supplied
The following is the breakdown for the $25,000 we were able to raise. Feel free to ask any questions you may have regarding this amount. We have sought much counsel and we are seeking to be wise in the use of these funds. For further explanation, I’ve added some comments below each amount.
Airline Tickets – our entire family (7 of us) will be going to Hong Kong this summer. We are reserving $1500 per ticket, but we are hoping to be able to get the tickets a little cheaper. Summer is an expensive time to fly so we will see what we can do.
Extra Baggage – see explanation above
One month rent upfront – when we sign the contract on our apartment, we will be required to pay one month’s rent in advance
This is $2000 for each of the 3 bedrooms in the apartment which includes bed/mattress, wardrobe (most rooms do not have closets), desk (for homeschooling) and bookshelf. We will get some of these items from IKEA (to save space), but we are also hoping to get some of it second hand to save money.
This is for a couch (hopefully with pull out bed), chairs and bookshelves for the living room.
Table, chairs, utensils, dishes, cookware, and appliances for Tiffany’s kitchen. Sometimes a fridge and washing machine comes with the apartment, but we will use these funds for a dryer and all the normal things associated with a kitchen (mixer, coffee maker, countertop oven, blender, etc.).
Bicycle – We will not be purchasing a car in Hong Kong. Public transportation is quite convenient, safe and affordable. However, there will be times where are bike would be very useful for me for transportation and exercise.
If you are interested in supporting our ministry on a monthly basis or with a one time gift, you can make a tax-deductible donation either by check or by credit card using the button below. You can specify the purpose of your donation either by writing it into the memo line of the check or from the dropdown menu in the online donation form.
Please make checks payable to
Hope Ministries International
1405 Hewatt Rd SW, Lilburn, GA 30047